The Raila Factor in the Siaya Gubernatorial Race


By Onyango Oloo, Editor & Publisher

We may as well deal with this issue head on, right at the outset of the campaign for the October 17th by election to decide who the new  Governor of Siaya will be.


Supporters of ODM have attempted to twist the contest somehow into a macabre referendum on Raila Odinga.

Yes, there are those who are using the crudest  methods of emotional black mail, implying that if you are “loyal” to the popular  former Prime Minister, then if you are a Siaya voter then you MUST, of necessity, vote for the candidate he has endorsed, namely Rasanga Amoth who was thrown out of office by a successful petition filed at the  High Court.

Of course that argument is RIDICULOUS for several reasons.

One, Raila Odinga is NOT vying for the governor’s position.

Second, by exercising your right to  vote you cannot be “disloyal” to anyone, including Raila Amolo Odinga.

Third, it is fallacious to suggest that voting for William Oduol is going against progress, social justice, prosperity, peace and social harmony.

It is often forgotten that William Oduol actually WON the ODM Primaries on January 17, 2013 before he was rigged out. It is often forgotten that Rasanga Amoth was NOT even a candidate in those primaries. If Rasanga was  such a loyal, committed ODM supporter why  did he not offer himself to the Siaya  electorate the very first time?

It is further forgotten that William Oduol ALSO WON the March 4 electoral contest and should have been declared the Governor of Siaya.

It is forgotten that William Oduol used legal, peaceful and democratic channels to challenge the fraudulent imposition of Rasanga.

Surely  who has forgotten that High Court Justice Aggrey Muchelule basically agreed with William Oduol by declaring that Rasanga Amoth was NOT  validly elected?

It is an act of SHEER DESPERATION for the politically bankrupt Rasanga to CLING ON to Raila Odinga in a last gasp attempt to sneak back into the Siaya Governor’s seat.

I am VERY EMBARRASSED that some one I have long admired as a COMRADE, MENTOR and DEMOCRAT like Senator James Orengo is today part of the charade of drumming up support for Rasanga Amoth. For the record, it is James Orengo who personally recruited me to the leadership of the Social Democratic Party where I was to later serve as that party’s Secretary General and later, Secretary for Ideology , a position I still hold as a member of SDP’s Central Committee. What happened to the firebrand, the revolutionary democrat who garnered so much respect and support as the MP for Ugenya?

It has been pathetic to see the knee  jerk reactions of those who would dismiss people like THIS Onyango Oloo as “traitors” merely on account of supporting William Oduol.

Where have these hecklers and trash talkers been all these DECADES when we have stood shoulder to shoulder in solidarity with Raila Odinga, from our undergraduate university days in the early 1980s, to our shared incarceration at Kamiti Maximum Security Prison to our working together for Kenya’s democratic transformation during our  18 year stint in North American exile?

These Johnny Come Latelys were either too chicken to speak out during those  dictatorial years of Moi-KANU oppression; some of them had not even been CONCEIVED or were toddlers running around half naked- IF THEY WERE NOT CARD CARRYING MEMBERS OF KANU ITSELF!

It really upsets me to see these spineless sycophants  distort history to malign some of us.

But let us not even go back that far.

How about 2013?

Where were some of these people when  the Jubilee usurpers were STEALING THE ELECTION FROM RAILA ODINGA JUST A FEW MONTHS AGO?

Did they speak up? Did they speak out?

Did they protest?

Of course not.

Some of them were hiding under their mother’s beds, too scared to stand up to be counted.

Not this Onyango Oloo.

What  I said or did is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.

This is what I posted on one of my blogs on the  question of the IEBC data base being identical to that one of TNA.

I was among those Kenyans who publicly asked:

Did Uhuru Really Win?

And literally minutes AFTER one of my closest ideological comrades, Chief Justice Willy Mutunga delivered  that controversial Supreme Court decision rubber stamping Uhuru Kenyatta’s stolen victory,  I immediately called it  A Supreme Slap on the Kenyan People.

I founded the Jukwaa online discussion forum way back on August 22, 2005. For all those years the pro-PNU, pro NARC Kenya and pro TNA brigades fulminated against THIS Onyango Oloo calling me a Raila Odinga apologist and calling me all kinds of nasty names. I frequently had  to  THROW SOME OF THESE PRO-KIBAKI, PRO-PNU and PRO- TNA  hecklers out of Jukwaa when they went one step too far.

Here is an excerpt of what I posted after deleting one particular members account:

To understand where I am coming from, you need to forget about Daniel Waweru for a second and rewind back to those tense and hectic days just after the announcement of Presidential election results in late December 2007 and early January 2008.

Jukwaa was abuzz with lots of faction based exchanges as members traded accusations, claims, counter claims, conspiracy theories and tribal epithets. We became part of the online frontier of the post-election violence itself.

Because I am the administrator of Jukwaa, and I happen to have a Luo ethnic background, I became the subject of tirades-some of it quite nasty- from those who felt I was carrying Raila Odinga’s water.

Of course it was not a one sided torrent-we had exchanges of views, some of it quite robust.

Beyond these heated debates, I detected a particular focus emanating from a clutch of individuals associated with a particular Kenyan blog called Kenya Imagine. I was to later meet one of these individuals in person. The laser like target of the Kenya Imagine folks was Jukwaa with the singular aim of portraying us as a HATE SITE spewing forth genocidal anti-Gikuyu propaganda. One particular individual, Alexander Eichener, picked me, Onyango Oloo as his favourite punching bag. You can access these exchanges by going back to our archives and searching using the key words “Alexander Eichener”. I was not the only person under attack, but I am just restricting this to my person for very obvious reasons.

At one point these exchanges bogged down broader discussions until some members started suspecting that this was a DELIBERATE attempt to either hijack Jukwaa or keep it hostage to these accusations and counter accusations.

Initially, I dealt with the issue by allowing and even participating in these debates. But this only added petroleum to the digital inferno already raging.

Eventually I made a decision to kick Alexander out of Jukwaa. I also pulled down quite a number of postings and blocked several people from the forum.

I saw immediate results: some members who had boycotted Jukwaa resumed their participation; the “noise” as it were died down and exchanges became much calmer.

Since that time, there have of course been other controversies, disruptions etc, but not quite to the scale of 2007-2008.

That is how things have been until Daniel Waweru’s intervention a few days ago.

At the outset, I followed the conversation silently, but with growing alarm.


Because Daniel was basically regurgitating Alexander Eichener’s lines from 2007-2008. Even as I contemplated what to do, I was bombarded with private mail from members who were noticing the same trend.

Reflecting on the toxic atmosphere of the earlier period, I decided, first to signal an oblique warning, and then to act by yanking Daniel Waweru from Jukwaa sending a clear message that the forum was NOT going to be held hostage to the same exchanges of yesteryear..


If we really respect Raila Amolo Odinga for his invaluable contributions as a democrat, reformer, activist and veteran in the fight for Kenya’s second liberation, then LET US LEAVE HIM OUT OF THE SIAYA GOVERNOR’S RACE.

Mr. Rasanga Amoth:


19 thoughts on “The Raila Factor in the Siaya Gubernatorial Race

  1. I can’t agree more. The horse has bolted and attempts by Rasanga brigade to lock the gate is an act in futility. William Oduol remains our beacon of hope in Siaya. We must never allow our lives to be guided by the rear view mirror

  2. Comment by Ayuaya Masira on a Siaya County mailing list:

    “My understanding is that Oduol is being punished by ODM for humilating Oburu Odinga in the primaries.Oburu was later rewarded by ODM by nomination while Oduol was ” crucified”.

    Rasanga was rewarded by ODM for his hondsome payment he did to the party.He bought his way.

    What really hapened to the earlier anouncement by ODM party that Otieno Okanja is the candidate?

    If Rasanga wanted to be a candidate then why did he not present himself to the Siaya voters so that we choose to nominate him?

    If somebody buys his way to power then we cannot hold him responsible for any misdevelopment.

    I hate to hear words like ” It is not about Oduol and Rasanga – it is about Raila and Uhuru-coming from Jakoyo ”

    Let us elect an individual not the party.I am sure Rasanga is not best bet for Siaya.He is just hoping to go through coz of the party euphoria.Siaya deserves better than Rasanga.”


  3. Comment from Nyamodi Nyamongo:

    All that Siaya people need to know, if they already don’t,
    is Raila and Uhuru were, last, on the ballot in March 2013; and Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta beat Raila Amolo Odinga fair and square!!!

    Two,neither Raila nor Uhuru is on the ballot in Siaya! Three, both Oduol and Rasanga are in “CORD”; Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta is NOT!!!

    Last, Jakoyo Midiwo claims to love Raila yet he has NEVER protected Raila’s “votes” from being “stolen”!!!”

    Nyamodi Ochieng-Nyamogo.

  4. Comment from Jakaswanga, in JUKWAA:

    [quote author=”@jakaswanga” source=”/post/126501/thread” timestamp=”1380904620″]PAKA OLOKORE RADO GUENDGI? KOSO EN ANG’O SIAYA? —THE ROGUE CAT THAT TURNED TO CANNIBALISE ITS OWN?

    [b]William Oduol[/b] started out in the ODM and [i]won the primaries[/i] that decided the nominee for the general election. [b]He was rigged out[/b]. Then he decamped to an alternative party and [i]the electorate gave him the thumbs up at the general election. Again he was dishonestly edged out[/i]. That is, the Siaya electorate have [b]endorsed him twice[/b] in this past year, but at every turn he has found Raila’s henchmen [[i]ka gigumone e wang’ayo[/i]] working evil in his way.

    Twice, the will of the electorate has been thwarted in Siaya. ODM running things. No sign of TNA at the wheels turning.

    Now let us think just a bit, not much, just a bit. A wide cross section of Luo nationalism has been wailing and yammering all around the globe, tearfully grieving and shaking their heads in disbelief at [b]Gikuyu chicanery and innate impunity[/b], which has blatantly stolen two successive victories from their Raila. —[i]Nyadiriyo duto maluwore! Okuyugi Jojuogi! Okuyugi le![/i]

    But, caught pants down, how do I Luoman save my dignity? x_x
    How do we Jaluos explain away Raila’s [b]chicanery and innate impunity[/b] which has blatantly stolen two successive victories from William Oduol in Siaya? [Remember I asked for just a bit of thinking, not much, just a bit —[Hard thinking will necessitate we delve into the pitfalls of nationalism, whereby we will identify the blind-spots of this consciousness, delusions, especially when it develops a narrative constructing the identity of the enemy —[i]atwara, Jokarabwon[/i] and the rest! But for our present purposes I believe even minor thinking will do! After all people like Orengo and Midiwo are just residues of a glorious past, and their primitive utterances can be tackled by minor thinking!]

    Well, perhaps we Jaluos are not against rigging in principle. We are only against rigging which double-crosses Raila 8D. Everybody else can get rigged out, we do not care. We are consummate hypocrites, which makes good mercenaries, like politicians and lawyers of course! Normal human beings guided only by self-interest —exactly like we say of the Gikuyu!
    —– [just a bit of thinking I said!]

    The problem is that [i]others too[/i] have a constructed narrative of the Luos as the enemy, delusional yes, but effective in its own mobilisation. So when Raila does everything possible to derail the electoral will of Nyanza and his home turf Siaya, kills [i]a vision of the future, Oduol[/i], but asserts the [i]retrogressive past, Rasanga[/i], and yet beats the drum of progressive politics at the national podium/platforom, he becomes a laughing stock to THE OTHERS –for all his enigmatic record as a reformer.

    To the others, it becomes crystal clear, that when the chips are down, he is a barbarian chieftain bent on ruthlessly purging emerging talent, and as such, I can understand [b]b6k [/b]of Jukwaa when he gloats :-X thus: [i]thanks God, Uhuru beat him by hook or crook I better the son of Jomo for us all[/i].

    This is a sentiment colleagues and friends [b]from other ethnic groups[/b] have confided in me, [i]”that from common sense, and objectively speaking, they looked at the ODM rigging in Nyanza and decided to abandon Raila, for all his progressive outlook. Let him lead you and your fellow Luos in Nyanza to a more fishy paradise! We will do just fine with Uhuru. He is conservative, but he will let more talent rise to the surface, and sycophancy will not be the key quality!”[/i]

    [i]Raila is all out to wipe out Oduol in Siaya, going by the energy he put in the campaigns[/i]. He can yes, I think. But in my estimation it is the demented rage of [i]Tshaka Zulu [/i]in grief. [i]A once great and dynamic King who has lost his mind, lost his way, and in an infantile helplessness and grieving depression, is destroying the productive and regenerative faculties of his community.[/i] A Pyrrhic victory for Siaya should Rasanga win. [i]Siaya is currently a rotting compost heap, good manure, but for which kind of flower?[/i]
    [quote]WIKIPEDIA: When Shaka’s mother Nandi died for example, the monarch ordered a massive outpouring of grief including mass executions, [font color=”e61973″]forbidding the planting of crops or the use of milk, and the killing of all pregnant women and their husbands[/font]. Oral sources record that in this period of devastation, a singular Zulu, a man named Gala, eventually stood up to Shaka and objected to these measures, pointing out that Nandi was not the first person to die in Zululand. Taken aback by such candid talk, the Zulu king is supposed to have called off the destructive edicts, rewarding the blunt teller-of-truths with a gift of cattle.[36][/quote][/quote]

  5. Comment from Zablon Ochogo, writing in a Siaya County mailing list:

    lets not be driven by emotions . Zacc is trying just lay a plain truth
    .He is cautioning us not to expect too much from Oduol now that Pato
    has lost hope in Rasanga. If i look at critically, i see much
    similiraties between Rasanga and Oduol and small differences.

    lets start with similarities:

    Both are from Alego,
    Both are relatives
    Both are ego eccentric
    Both dont have any development track record.
    Both are boot lickers of Odm
    Both don’t believe in democracy.
    Both are self centred.
    Both are anti communism (but ideal capitalists)
    Both rely on the very and same same old system of campain of bribing
    and abusing the oponents

    Difference between the two:

    Rasanga is being real by accepting that yes he was given the ticket
    yet without competition , Oduol is being ideal .

    Rasanga does not appear to have had some cooperate management skills ,
    Oduol happens to have had a lot .
    Rasanga is not a strong public orator, Oduol has that skill.

    Rasanga views his duties from an auditors point of view where he sees
    a mistake before a solution, Oduol sees visevarsa

    In short what the supporters of both camps need to do is to persuade
    and convince not to be emotive.

    those were my personal opinion.

  6. Comment from William Oloo Janak:

    I wish Siaya County residents a peaceful campaign, election and the after. I like the active campaign on the social media and the fact that people from the county, even from far are keenly following the situation.
    How I wish this active engagement is not just limited to campaign time but moved to the level where we all seek to do more than just chat and blame one another, across Nyanza.

    It is the same old malaise across Nyanza- seek ye the political kingdom first- aggressively- and slump into despair and inactivity once the campaigns are over! The question is- is there space to do any other things- on the social, economic and even environmental front? Can we spare some efforts and energy for these other areas?

    For me, the question of any of the two- Rasang or Oduol- being better than the other is a lie, a probability because they are both untested as governor. I gather that despite the denial by some in this forum, and possibly on the ground, the issue is beyond the two candidates. And it is precisely because of that that we in the rest of Nyanza need to get bothered about the campaigns and the ramifications of the outcome because it is not just these two. There is more at stake.

    Lets continue the discussion. I want to host a meeting of all of you in this mailing list after the elections to discuss a post election engagement at our own levels, back home , not that of Oduol or Rasanga. Non of the two are going into it for the heck of it. That I know.

    Oloo Janak

  7. Comment from Maurice Oduor:

    Zablon wodma,

    You’ve left us blank. Where do you stand then? Which candidate do you support and why? Your piece here does not give us any indication ni i support Oduol au Rasanga. Miiwa pachi.

    Oduor Maurice Wod Plista Ny’Alego Gang

  8. In Response to Maurice Oduor, Zablon says:

    Wuod Plister,

    am happy that its a reality that none of the candidates truly carry the much needed qualities which Josiaya have been yearning for.

    However , now that the choice is between Oduol and Rasanga, I would give Oduol my vote. Let him come out and cut his own cloth . Playing the same game with Rasanga leaves so many people doubt his credentials.

  9. Maurice Oduor again:

    Thanks Zablon. But one other thing; a week or so ago Aywaya Masira wod Major came here and requested that Oduol give us some broad outline of the kinds of initiatives he plans to undertake in Siaya. I imagine Oduol may have his hands full now with the campaign but can’t he have someone in his campaign come here and tell us some of that on his behalf?

    Just a thought.

    Oduor Maurice wod Nyaa Alego Gang

  10. William Oduol replies to Maurice Oduor:

    Dear all, am on the campaign trail. We have limited resources because of finance. Not able to present broad outlines now on this forum as requested. I am however on the ground selling them to the electorate. Happy debating…..

  11. Comments from my Facebook wall:

    Ishmael Odhiambo Raila will influence election of a wrong candidat thro’ foolish propaganda
    Yesterday at 10:12 via mobile · Like · 1
    George Mijema raila and co are a bunch of political smugglers and have got no socio-eco agenda not only for siaya county but the whole luo nation. its time we call a spade a spade. raila is the problem
    Yesterday at 12:54 · Like · 1
    Joab James Ngesa Guys that is the honest truth. Our politics has relegated us to poor development because of the dictatorship and poor governance. Even when he was in power, he never initiated tangible development programme for Nyanza. I am very disappointed with him and the leaders we have who do not work for the good of the community but pure self interest and their master.
    17 hours ago · Like
    John Awero What exactly should he do for “Luo Nyanza” and to you guys in particular that he hasn’t done or others have done for communities they come from? What have we done for ourselves, the small communities we come from and Luo Nyanza at large? How many of us have seriously invested in the lands we have?…..Water harvest, green houses, Biogas harvest from our livestock waste,joining hands and pulling our little resources together for communal development. What have you and me done for our people? “Ask not what others have done for you or us” but what you can do for your community and country. Let’s change our’ dependency syndrome’ mind set. Raila isn’t God and can only do so much. Rise up yourself to be counted among illustrious sons of Whatever community you hail from and this Nation at large.
    17 hours ago · Like

  12. Comment from Jagem K’Onyiego on the Siaya County mailing list:

    That is the problem we have with drunkards in power. Jakoyo is never sober to think of what Siaya people actually need. So he cannot and will never give a sober opinion or analysis of the whole situation. To him everything starts and stops with Ohuru fighting Raila. But if I may ask how will this bring water in the piping system for Villagers in Gem. The pipes are ever dry. I wish Jakoyo would talk about someone who is going to facilitate that water getting back in pipes in entire Siaya County. If Rasanga, Oburu or Jakoyo cannot do that , then we do not need them. If Oduol will do that then he is the one we Siaya people need, of course including that Oburu and Jakoyo. Au siyoo?

  13. Maurice Oduor to Jagem K’Onyiego:

    JaGem wodma,

    Yes Jakoyo says alot of stupid things sometimes and he should be cautioned that these are the utterrances that ruin things for ODM. But we must also be objective and give credit where credit is due. Jakoyo and Nyong’o have the best CDF records in Kenya, whatever that’s worth.

    Rasanga was Governor for 5 months but was a big disappointment; he did zero and did not even announce what he wanted to do. It’s time to take a chance on someone else. Oduol is the clear alternative so let’s give him a chance.

    Let’s join hands for Oduol and give him all our blessings and help. He should though make an effort to tell this group what initiaves he plans to undertake.


  14. Comment from Achim Chiaji:

    The die has been cast. I spent the weekend in my village in Gem drumming up support for Oduol as per everyone’s commitment in this forum. But I learnt about two propaganda issues which the Oduol Campaign must confront – they are always cheap as they come, but you cannot ignore them in a campaign with so much at stake. And everyone has talked about them here.
    1. Loss for ODM will humiliate Raila – Equally powerful propaganda response is needed to confirm that Oduol has never had any intention to confront, humiliate, compete with or disrespect Raila. More of Oduol supporters must be on Mayienga, Nam Lolwe, Radio Victoria to dispell this fallacious myth. And time is of essence
    2. Oduol is in TNA payroll to weaken Raila – That NAP-K is part of CORD should be rubbed in with enough evidence. I dont know how this can best be done but it is equally urgent

    But surely this campaign is tilted in Oduol’s favour not just because the courts proved him right – that he was the real winner, but more because Rasanga actually had six months to endear himself to the electorate but was too comfortable in the cuddle of Jakoyo and others who forgot to remind him that he has been written (ondike) by “people” of siaya and not a bunch of party diehards.

    In a very short time he proved that his leadership will be business as usual, based on influence peddling party and not addressing the critical development issues facing our County.

    Once Oduol answers the two issues above we will all be home and dry!. And we will celebrate the return of leadership to the people of Siaya on 18th October and the entire weekend.

    I cant wait!

    Achim Chiaji – Jagem

  15. This is a very healthy and objective engagement. I am a Siaya registered voter and resident. I pity my fellow Luos for lacking objectivity in politics. I don’t blame them; we have never known the benefits of politics in the entire Luo nation. We have given the political leadership too much POWER turning them Kings reining over us. But instead of using this power to uplift our living conditions, they have infact turned a blind eye on the plight of the electorate. They have become Dictators who now decide for the community which leaders to work with. And the worst sin, they are now fighting and destroying the upcoming visionary leaders who are not bent dancing to their tunes.
    For Siaya by elections, its time to stamp our authority as voters to elect a leader of our choice. Political leaders are accountable to the people and the vice versa.
    I will vote William Oduol as my choice based on his policies and vision for the county. May God bless you all.

  16. Onyango Oloo:Thumbs.For the intolerant political infidels..change is inevitable in Siaya.William represents the new order

  17. I think it helps shape Raila’s thinking when his would-be loyalists vote freely even against his preferred candidate. It is an error to call such an act betrayal or being a traitor. It is also worthy to point out that there is no evidence that William Oduol whom I voted for last March is the dream carrier for Siaya county. the fact that he is being supported largely and increasingly now emanates from the people’s desire to break off dominance by one man. It shows a desire by people of Siaya to be spoken to directly by aspiring leaders and not to cling to Raila’s coat each time they want peoples mandate. That is a new order in pragmatism in terms of seeking office (and that is the only place I concur with Oluoch Nyamolo). Otherwise I said before, there is no evidence that Oduol will deliver better than Rasanga. However, since Oduol’s approach seems to resonate well with the populace, lets give him a chance to fight fairly. If and when he emerges, the winner, one thing shall be demonstrable, Raila’s role in Nyanza shall be waning in elections (which in my view is positive) Positive only if the people are becoming independent thinkers. Not if the people are responding to or following another individual force. Second, it will dent the image of CORD and by extension Raila as increasingly loosing the grip. But more importantly, Oduol will not work with a group that has increasingly frustrated his ascent to office. He will naturally (and this is very human) align himself to Jubilee.

  18. True and our resolve to remain firmly behind William Oduol will not be shaken by ODM’s dirty propaganda,whether we loose or not,his courage has inspired a great number of us and we can only view him with respect to uor future!

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